
Ed Kelly Jr is available for talks and workshops that are described below.

Described below are the most popular keynote and workshop themes on which Ed presents. Each can be adapted to meet the needs of specific audiences and situations.

Keynote Topics

What is Spirituality?

Ed discovered late in life that spirituality is not about cognitive knowledge of the so called right doctrines and dogmas about God but about relationships.  Using humor and personal stories from his own journey Ed will introduce you to what he sees as the two key principles of spirituality: relationships and inner transformation.

 “It is not about knowing about God but knowing God and in that knowing –inner transformation is not only a possibility but a reality.”


My Journey out of Fundamentalism

In this presentation, Ed will share his personal spiritual journey from his roots in an alcoholic home through the years as a bigoted Fundamentalist preacher who thought he had the only answers.  Ed will also share the influences that opened his eyes to see that he wasn’t God.

“You don’t know what a relief it is to realize you don’t have to have all the answers- that you are not God!”


Dialogue with Fundamentalists

In this presentation, Ed will introduce the key characteristics of Fundamentalism and then share some thoughts on dialogue with Fundamentalists.

“It is important to remember that although Fundamentalism began as a Protestant movement- the term now should be applied to those movements (Protestant, Catholic or Islamic) which have similar family traits”


Please contact Ed to schedule a talk. Talks are approximately 45 minutes in length with 15 minutes for questions and answers. Fees are negotiable.

Contact email: edwardkelly4@msn.com

Posted August 18, 2012 by edkellyjr5142